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A space to feel empowered with other women.

Three Women

Master Your Mindset, Mama! 

"I help moms improve their mindset so they can experience more ease and joy in everyday life. Class involves individual, partnered, and group activities that challenge you to see things from a new perspective."

Kayla, Founder 


When: Mondays 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Where: Prakasa Yoga Studio, Goshen MA  


Each structured class session has a specific topic of conversation. We focus on deepening our own understanding of that topic, and brainstorming the unique shift in perspective needed to better master that topic. 


Every woman arrives to class from a different walk of experience in life, and will need different shifts in healing. What makes this class as special and powerful as it is, is that answers are not laid out for you. I do not lecture. You arrive with the answers you need inside you, and this class supports you in uncovering them. Through this, you find the exact healing you need. 


This healing may be found in class, it may be found in your car ride home after class, it may be found a week later in a conversation with someone. With this work, I ask for you to trust in divine timing. 


What exactly does that even mean? Divine timing? 


It means to let go of any and all expectations of when and how you think things are supposed to happen. You show up to do the work, and trust in the timing of the results. 


Do you plants flowers and demand they blossom the next day? No, you allow them the time they need to sprout and flourish. You show up every morning with your watering bucket in hand and sing to them with loving patience to bloom when they are ready. 


Do this for yourself. You too are a beautiful flower. Embody this loving patience.  


This class is about taking a break from our various roles of mother, employee, homemaker, business owner, wife, caretaker, ALL OF IT and honoring time to be JUST US. To have one hour to experience stillness.. connection… inspiration. 


What’s stopping you? 


If you’re drawn to this work, I welcome you. 


My ask is for your dedication to yourself, and to take this work both seriously & with a light heart. Meaning you are committed to the work and open to the divine timing of insight. 


What more do you wish to know? Other than to experience it for yourself? 


Please send questions to Kayla, program director, at 

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