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Hi! I'm Kayla.

I am the face behind The Soul's Perspective! â€‹


I created this brand to share the beautiful insights and lessons I personally experience throughout my days. 


I have always been the person to find the blessing within a situation. To see the bigger picture. To understand both sides. To offer a more helpful and empowering perspective.


So this is my space to do just that. To share my stories and thoughts on the situations I experience.  


I believe in spending time doing the things we love. I believe in telling those we care about how much we appreciate them. I believe in finding gratitude for all that we have. I believe in treating Mother Nature kindly, and admiring her beauty to feel inspired, recharged, and motivated. I believe in the sobering thought that we could die at any moment, and to choose to live our lives in a way that we don't hold back from the things we love, wish, and crave. 


My intention with this space is to invite you to explore within yourself. To try on the perspectives I offer and dive deep within the questions. I am here to offer tools and resources. To share things I have learned, with hopes that it may support you or someone you know.


As my Reiki teacher said so perfectly, 

"Take what you need, and leave the rest." 




Lastly, why "The Soul's Perspective?" 


I choose this name because I believe that when we view life from the perspective of the soul, we are living it from a place of love, light, and compassion. Thus allowing ourselves to experience divine and lasting peace. From our soul, the most authentic part of us, there is no ego. There is no mindless chatter of illusory things and concepts. This brand is about finding ways we can come back to our soul's perspective, through exploring the inner workings of ourselves and being open to new ideas and ways of thinking. 


Thank you for being here. 


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